Super Savings - $30 Shop and $60 stock up

Sorry - no photos!  I did the shopping this week around everything else (a birthday party, an event, and my husband running to the airport to pick up friends/classmates for intensive classes this next week) and just didn't get photos taken.

We had our "normal" $30 grocery bill this week plus a $60 stock up amount.  We are starting slowly to stock up on non-perishable things (the perishable we'll do closer to June).  We'll be transferring over our $30 to $20 in March for our regular grocery shopping as a "practice run" for internship.  Yep, you read that right $20 per week for groceries, toiletries and paper products!  That's all we're going to have during internship to that's what we're going to be using!  We'll use that $10 difference through March, April and May to do some of our stocking up for the next 18-24 months. 

Here's what our $60 stock up fund bought this week:

2 48oz bottles of Palmolive dish soap $4.99 - $0.50 coupon = $4.49 (we don't have a dishwasher)
Axe Men's Bath Set $6.99 clearance price - $2 coupon = $4.99 (bath jell, deodorant, face wash and a bath poof)
Crest Toothpaste 3pk of 6oz $5.99 - $.075 coupon = $5.24
Softsoap 2pk of 48oz $5.99
Listerine 48oz $5.99 - $1 coupon = $4.99
Listerine 32oz $5.99 - $1 coupon = $4.99
Dove Men's Body Wash 2pk 48oz plus bonus $6.99 - $2 = $4.99
Afrin Nasal Spray $5.99 - $1.50 = $4.49
22ct Always Ulta Pads $2.98 sale price - $1 double coupon = $1.98
3 Starkist Tuna 3x$0.78 sale price - $1 coupon = $1.34
6 cans of beans (3 black bean, 3 kidney bean) 6x$0.49 = $2.94
Total Spent: $46.43

So we have $13.57 to put back toward our stocking up.  In reality, we were getting low on meat so we used a very small amount of this of this money to buy help buy some meat too. 

Here's what we spent at the grocery store for our "regular" shopping trip:

Store #1:
Whole Mushrooms $0.88
Baby Carrots $0.98
Clementines 3lbs $5.99 - $0.50 = $5.49  (not the best price but the kids were asking for these and they can take them as snacks to school this week)
Total store #1: $7.35

Store #2:
Buddig Lunch Meat 2oz 5 @ $0.59 = $2.95 - $2 doubled coupon = $0.95
2 Hormel Pork Tenderloin approx. 1.5lb each B1G1 coupon = $10.62 - $2 doubled coupon = $8.62
Cucumber $0.50
Anjou Pears 1.25lb @ $0.99/lb = $1.24
2 Gallons Store Brand Skim Milk $5 with store coupon
Yoplait Yogurt 10 @ 10/$5 with store coupon - $2 doubled coupon = $8
Total Store #2: $24.31

Total for the two grocery stores: $31.66

So we have $1.66 that came out of the "stock up" money, leaving us $11.91 for future stock up deals.  Our favorite laundry detergent is on sale this week so I'm hoping to pick up 2 bottles of that and a few more cans of beans this week.  I'll have to see what else is on sale too.

If you're wondering where our "stock up" money is coming from, we cut our budget back to bare bones - our basic living expenses only.  The extra $60 comes from the money left in the budget after that.  We're also purchasing gas and grocery gift cards as well as gift cards to the hardware store where we buy our water softener salt, home repair items, etc. to  help get us through the times when we don't have any cash on hand but need food for us or gas for the cars or something else that happens to be necessary.  Next week we'll add another $10 to the $11.91 to make $21.91 to stock up with on that week's shopping trip.  It sounds really complicated, but trust me, it's much simpler on paper! :)

How did you do with your shopping this week?

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