Super Savings - Spent $20.72

It was a week that had things happen that we really didn't want to have happen (I'll hopefully write more about that later) so I only went to one store this weekend for grocery shopping.   We had $20.75 this week to spend on groceries and we just squeaked under with 3 cents to spare! Whew!  It's weeks like this that I'm grateful for my stockpile and our freezer!

I have no idea what happened to the receipt but everything except the bananas, TP and cotton swabs were on sale.  The two expensive things were the cotton swabs (just under $3) and the TP (almost $4 - yep, totally ridiculous price for a 4-pack of TP but that was the best price I could find; everything cheaper was sold out).  The Dole pineapple was $0.89 per can and the Campbell's soup was $0.77 each.  The oranges were under $3 for 4lbs, the eggs were $1.98 for 18 and the milk was $2.50.  We're enjoying a Thanksgiving meal with friends - I'm bringing dessert so we didn't have to worry about cooking a Thanksgiving meal this week.
I'm probably going to hit up the sales this week - most likely early Thursday AM (our grocery stores are open until 3pm here) - since the sale prices all end on Thursday for groceries here this week.  I'm excited to see on really good prices on some things we're out of as well as good deals on things like body wash and TP.  I'm looking forward to seeing how well I can do with $30 this coming week!
In the meantime we still have lots of veggies and some meat in the freezer as well as apples, pears, carrots, spinach, mushrooms, potatoes and tomatoes left from earlier weeks and several squash from the garden still.  I had purchased some wheat berries earlier this month on clearance sale and I'm going to try making a salad that can be eaten hot or cold for us to take for lunch this week.  The children have three days off and so do I so I'm looking forward to some time with them - hopefully making some Christmas gifts for the Grandparents and teachers!
We have lots of company in December but we're thinking of starting off January with a no-spend month of some sort.  I'm hoping to do our "usual" $50 for the month for groceries in January - but first I need to see where we're at in December!
Come back tomorrow (Monday) to see what we're eating this week.

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