Goals Week of November 3, 2013

It's Monday and that means it's time to review our goals again.  I had a pretty ambitious goals list for last week but I got several things done.  I didn't get everything done but I'm pretty pleased with what I did get done, so I'll just go with that.

Submit mid-term grades.
Write, solve and edit a test.
Lessons for the week.
Post solutions from the last unit online.

Turn in paperwork.
Reading (in prep for meeting with my committee).  Did some of this but not as much as I would like.
Finish going through my data one last time.
Teach 2 classes.
Learn 3 new routines.  I learned two.
Update my iTunes.

Visit the Apple Orchard (Family Night)
Piano Lessons x2
Swimming Lessons
Friends over on Friday
Trick or Treating

Home:  I got part of all of these done but only finished the two Christmas gifts.
Ironing - I have four tablecloths that need to be pressed right now and it's weighing on me!
Update Our Budget Book.
Shred Papers in Living Room.
Mending pile on Living Room Chair (don't ask!).
Finish Two Christmas Gifts.

Pray for and about the situation that came up with John's church work.
Pray about some other things that are happening in our life right now.
Update my prayer book and make sure I get in daily devotional time.

Paint my toenails.
Read novel loaned to me by a friend and return.
1 hour on my embroidery

Get to bed on time 5 nights this week.  I got to bed 4 times on time this last week.

So, here's what's on the docket here this week:

* Update midterm grades to include our second test
* Be ready for class each day
* Revise the term project
* Paperwork for next semester

* Finish reading
* Cross 2 more things off my to-do list

* Teach twice
* Attend at least one other class
* Learn 2 new routines
* Either get my iPod fixed or buy a new one

* Trip to the Library
* Piano Lessons
* Dance Lessons x 2
* Swimming Lessons
* Family Night: Review of All Saint's Day Lesson
* At-Home Date Night: Puzzle or a Bonfire and Pumpkin Cookies
* Have the children write letters to their Grandparents

* Ironing
* Mending
* Finish the shredding
* Finish updating the budget book
* Process the horseradish from our yard
* Finish deadheading the perennials
* Cross of three things from my Christmas gift to-do list
* Find a shirt for Buddy for family photos

* Pray about our family observing Advent and finish putting together the lessons for Family Night
* Continue making daily quiet time and family devotions a priority
* Pray about all the things on my mind and in our upcoming weeks

* Get to bed on time 5 days this week
* 1 hour of embroidery (this actually "counts double" since I'm making Christmas gifts, but I find it very, very relaxing as well so it's "me time" too!)

What are you up to this week?  Check out Money Saving Mom to be inspired!

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