Super Savings Saturday - September, Here We Come!!!

We have been having a couple of full and busy weeks here - the twins started 3rd grade, my parents are visiting, three of us caught some kind of fever bug (thankfully, short-lived!), and the semester starts for John and I next week.  Wheee!!!

The good thing about having a CSA this time of year is that we've gotten a TON of veggies.  Here is our CSA two weeks ago:

There was (clockwise from bottom left): two HUGE tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, corn, potatoes, onions, garlic, cherry, grape and pear tomatoes, green beans and in the middle we had spaghetti squash, green and yellow bell peppers and chili peppers.

This week was another BIG box - big enough that we needed two photos! - with the following inside:

This photo clockwise from bottom left: kale, spaghetti squash, mint, beets, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, parsley and, in the middle, onions.

This photo was what didn't fit on the stove the first time around. :)   Here we have, left to right, broccoli, yellow bell peppers, chili peppers, and Swiss chard.
We also have at the moment 12 full-sized tomatoes, 12 yellow zucchini, and 4 green bell peppers from our garden.  Whew.  That doesn't include what we've eaten from the tomatoes, peppers and zucchini that we've eaten in the last two weeks!  My zucchini plant can quit any time it likes now!
As far as groceries, I have bought 3 gallons of milk, a pint of raspberries, a bag of buns, and a tub of butter.  And a dozen doughnuts for the first day of school. That's it.  Yes, I'm a bad Mom and load my children up on sugar before sending them to their first day of school! Teachers love me. :)  I spent right around $25 for all of that.
My parents have taken us out to eat several times - my Dad likes to go out to eat since he hadn't been able to for so long and we're happy to go along!   

My parents bought us cherries, grapes, some oranges and English muffins.  Dad also bought summer sausage, which he loves (and so does John).   

With 4 adults in the house, you would think we'd have to buy way more groceries.  I think this is just an indication that we have LOTS of food and that the gardens are going gangbusters.   We are truly very blessed!

Now that we're heading into September, we're looking forward to more produce - our pumpkins are just starting to turn, the butternut squash is almost ready to pick and the acorn squash are not too far behind.   I planted more lettuce for fall and hopefully it will do well and we'll have lettuce for a while this fall - I'm hoping our weird spring and summer means that we have a longer fall.

Once my parents leave, we'll move into starting our stockpile for the next two years with paper products and looking for long-keeping toiletries and cleaning supplies.   In the spring we'll start working on food storage for while we're in internship. 

September is a time of new beginnings again as school starts for all of us and we get back into a routine.  We're looking forward to it! 

It may be quiet around here for the next week or so as we get into our new routine and my parents visit.  If so, please hang tight and I'll be back soon.

Have a great start to your September!

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