Goals - Week of August 4, 2013

Uff-da! I am just plain tired of computer stuff! I've almost got it finished, but there are a few more things that I need to get done. SIGH. 

We're already in the first week of August. How on earth did that happen?  The children will be back in school in 2 more weeks and John and I will be back in school in three!  WOW.  I keep looking at all the things we need to do and what we had hoped to do over the summer and...*Sigh*.  That's about it.

We are blessed with lovely weather and hopefully rain, though I could do without the projected strong storms.  Here's hoping we have lovely weather and nice rain overnight, when we can still work out in the yard! :)

Here's last week's goals:

* Finish assignments for Unit 1.
* Finalize hiring of my Teaching Assistant.

* Meet with my advisor.
* Do one thing on my dissertation to-do list.

* Finally finish the proposal I've been working on.

* Teach 3 classes this week.
* Learn 3 new routines.   I learned two.
* Submit my July paperwork.

* Swimming Lessons.
* Piano Lessons.
* Send in registration for fall swimming lessons, dance lessons and Sunday school.
* Family Night: Movie in the Park (our local parks and recreational service shows an outdoor movie a couple times a summer for free).
* At Home Date Night: We're hoping to do a bonfire in our fire pit. If it's raining, we'll put together a puzzle together.

* Mail a box of goodies to my parents.
* Mail birthday cards to my MIL.
* Work on our afternoon and evening routines again - we let these fall by the way again.

* Finish cleaning out the children's bedrooms (we had made good progress and then stopped).
* Finish weeding and mulching the bed around the patio.   I finished weeding and put down the mulch we had - I need to buy more mulch, but this is done until I buy more.
* Finish setting up my new computer (this has been a trick and a half!)  Still working on this - almost done though.
* Blanch and freeze cabbage.
* Blanch and freeze green beans.

* Make and freeze 2 loaves of zucchini bread. I made one loaf and froze it.
* Make granola.  Moved this to this week instead.

* Proofread John's sermon for this week.
* Visit the congregation John will be preaching at in 2 weeks.
* Update prayer book again.
* Select new scripture to memorize.

* Final return of items to our former congregation.  We didn't get to that part of town this week.

* Get my hair cut.  My stylist was on vacation - so I'm getting it cut this week! :)
* Get to bed on time!!!! (This has been a read struggle for me of late.)  Well......
* Use my free coffee coupon for a free cup of coffee on my Birthday.
* Finalize my goals for this coming year (starting with my Birthday on Friday).

All in all, it was a MUCH better week than the previous one all the way around and my birthday on Friday was really, really nice.  

This week is a bit simpler, since we have Vacation Bible School (VBS) and I am either helping with that or working from home this week.  We celebrate our 15th wedding anniversary this week and are going to enjoy our first date out since December by hiring a babysitter, buying tickets to an event here in town and making dinner reservations.  I'm really looking forward to it!

Here's what on my list this week:

* Edit the packet for major project 1.
* Optional: Start outlining Unit 2

* Schedule meeting with my committee
* Do one thing on my dissertation to-do list
* Finally finish this proposal (REALLY)

* Teach 3 times this week
* Learn 2 new routines
* Attend CPR Renewal class and send in my paperwork afterward

* Swimming Lessons
* Family Night
* Our 15th Wedding Anniversary!  (I can't believe it's been that long already!)
* Date out on Friday night to celebrate our 15th Anniversary

* Finally finish up those kids bedrooms
* Weed and remove rock from the rest of the front flower bed (won't get this completely done but I'm going to work on it).
* Blanch and freeze produce as necessary
* Make granola
* Clean out 7 things from the house

* Vacation Bible School
* Redo my daily devotional time
* Write our Compassion International Child

* Get to bed on time!!! (I desperately need to work on this one!)
* Get my hair cut
* Eliminate my right-before-bed snack (I got in this habit when I was pregnant 9 years ago and definitely don't need it anymore - especially if I get to bed on time!!!)

My habit for the month of August that I'm trying to change is that snack before bedtime, so you will see it on the "docket" for the whole month.   I'm hoping by the end of the month, it's a habit not to have one instead of a habit to have one!

What are you up to this week?  Visit Money Saving Mom for inspiration!

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