Super Savings Saturday - $13.85 Shopping Trip

I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!   We certainly did!  Our celebration included time with my in-laws, who were visiting from out of state, a visit to the local splash pad, a bar-b-que with friends, sparklers, watching the city fireworks display (it was wonderful), swimming at the hotel pool where my in-laws were staying, lunch out and ice cream!  Whew!  My munchkins even had matching red-white-and-blue clothes from Grandma and our niece, who was also visiting, was able to wear one of my daughter's older dresses from Grandma so we had a red-white-and-blue trio!  Really nice!

I even have groceries left over from last week because my father-in-law decided to treat us to lunch out on Friday and their visit was shorter than we had originally planned.  Not so good that their visit was shorter but wonderful that we have food left. And wonderful that we got to visit for the time we did!  The watermelon we bought was bigger than we thought so it worked for both potlucks without having to use any of the other fruit!  I like that too.

Since I promised my grocery shopping photo from last week, here it is:

That was our shopping trip last week after our vacation (the $40-something one that ate up half our grocery budget for this month) but the photo doesn't include a can of olives, two gallons of milk and a container of heavy whipping cream (that I bought for making homemade ice cream this next week).

So what about this week?   Our CSA was wonderful this week and we received a cabbage, purple beets, kale, chives, peas, a single zucchini, radishes, cilantro, and bib lettuce. YUM!  I ended up not making the coleslaw this last week (we pick up our box on Thursday, so it was Wednesday this last week), so we'll make that this next week.  I'm loving this fresh produce!  We have fresh lettuce and rhubarb still in our garden to add to this.

That brings us to our $13.85 grocery trip today.  I went to one store and here is what I bought:

In one 10 minute shopping trip purchased:

10ct Mission Flour Tortilla 2 @ 2/$3 (store coupon) = $3
8oz Mixed Sweet Peppers 1 @ 2/$4 (store coupon) = $2
1.91lbs Red Plums @ $0.99/lb = $1.98
Smart Balance Butter Spread 2 @ $1.99 - $1 (coupon) = $2.98
32oz Store Brand Light Plain Yogurt $2.49 - $0.51 (store coupon) = $1.98

Total Spent = $13.85
Savings According to the Store Receipt: $8.78

I have a total of $21.81 for the rest of the month!

The only real problem I'm having with this tighter grocery budget is that I need to have a total of $25 before coupons in order to have my favorite store double coupons.  I had totally forgotten this today and I was hoping that I would get the Smart Balance for $1.98 for two (or basically one for free) with doubling my $1 off coupon.  No go. My "before" total was only $15.41 so that didn't work. I'm still doing okay but I was kind of counting on using double coupons to store free or close to free toiletries, laundry soap and a few other things so I need to re-think how I'm going to make this work. I guess that's my challenge going forward!

How was your shopping this week?

Come back on Monday to see what we're eating this week!  Have a great weekend!

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