Goals - Week of December 9, 2012

Things still continue to amaze me.

My Dad ended back in the hospital on Friday. His blood pressure was 86/60.  Yikes!  Turns out his medication is way off and so they took him off it and are letting him re-adjust.  Still need to solve that internal bleeding problem, but that part is stable and shouldn't change as long as he doesn't try to do too much.  He's tired, so reading, watching TV and a little bit of writing are his big activities right now. 

We're nearing the end of the semester for me. WHEW!  I'm sure ready for a break.  We have about a week and a half of chaos left and then we're done. Whoot.  Except for grading but everything but a final term paper will be done at that time.  Then I can relax and spend some time enjoying my family and finally get well again! At least that's the plan!

 Here's how I did last week:

Be Prepared for each class period
Update class web pages
Take notes from the book I borrowed from a colleague 

Meet with my adviser  We chatted on the phone and will meet this week instead.
Move two books from school to work Didn't get over to school this week to move the books.
Write 2-5 pages  

Teach 4 classes 
Submit my November paperwork
Learn 2 new routines I learned one.

My Family:
Piano x2
Dance x4
Family Night: Dinner out with extended family after the Christmas program on Saturday evening 
Christmas Program Practice x2 
Visit with Extended Family this week 
Date Night: At home one night during the week  Totally missed this do to all the other stuff.

Our Home:
Guest room ready for company
Find my parents Christmas Cards (long story) I keep thinking these grew legs and hid themselves!
Tidy the office space (i.e Put a few things back where they belong) 
Bake Sugar Cookies for the Program 
Finish Making gifts for the Sunday School Teachers
Put out the Nativity
Go through Christmas Decorations

Children's Christmas Program (see above)
Write our Compassion Child 
Make Daily devotional times a priority 

Call for a follow-up doctor's appointment  Did this but can't get in until January.
Send back the top I ordered that didn't fit 
Print off Christmas letters

In spite of the added chaos, it was a pretty good week productivity speaking!

Here's what's on tap for this week:

Writing Final Exams
Last Couple of Classes to teach
Final Update of Web Pages

Meet with my Adviser
Last data analysis redo
Move 4 books from school to work

Teach 4 classes
Learn 2 new routines

Piano x2
Dance x4
Date Night Out with John (Free childcare at church this week!)
Family Night: Decorating our Christmas Tree
Talk to my folks daily to keep up with my Dad's health progress
Finish Making Teacher Gifts with the Children

Clean out for 30 minutes each day Monday-Thursday
Wrap all the presents we have to wrap
All the ironing
Finish decorating the living room
Hang the outdoor wreaths
Find my parent's Christmas cards!

Make Daily Devotions a Priority
Work on Memory work with the children
Choir Practice x 1

Hair Cut
Foot Scrub

 What are you up to this week?  Visit Money Saving Mom to share and be inspired!

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