Goals Week of December 2, 2012

Well, I hope everyone had a terrific Thanksgiving and that everyone was able to spend some time relaxing.

We did.  And it was fantastic.  We got to spend a lot of time with family and now I'm still slowly on the mend from pneumonia, the sinus infection and a bout of the flu that ran through our house after all of that!  Yikes. I think in terms of sickness I'm more than ready for 2012 to be done!

I actually got almost everything on my to-do list from the week of November 11th done - though it took two weeks rather than one.  I'm perfectly okay with that.

Here's what I'm hoping for this week:

Be prepared for class each class period
Update class web pages
Take notes from a book I borrowed from a colleague and return the book

Meet with my adviser
Move 2 books from school to work
Write 2-5 pages.

Teach 4 classes
Submit my November paperwork
Learn 2 new routines

My Family:
Piano x2
Dance x 4
Family Night:  Dinner out with extended family after Christmas Program on Saturday Evening
Christmas Program Practice x 2
Visit from Extended Family this week
Date Night: At home one night during the week

Our Home:
Guest room ready for company
Find my parents Christmas cards (long story)
Tidy the office space (i.e. Put a few things back where they  belong)
Bake Sugar Cookies for the Program
Finish making gifts for Sunday School Teachers
Put out the Nativity
Go through Christmas Decorations

Children's Christmas Program (see above)
Write Our Compassion Child
Make daily devotional times a priority

Call for a follow-up doctor's appointment
Send back a top that I ordered that didn't fit
Print off Christmas letters

What are you up to this week?  Visit Money Saving Mom to share.

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