In the Refiner's Fire - Decisions Made for Us

A while back I wrote about having to decide what to do about our "home" congregation and our involvement there.  You can read that post here: Decisions.

For the last several months - almost a full year even now by this time - we've been praying for an answer for what to do.

A couple of weeks ago when John had his Endorsement Hearing we received our answer.

It is very common to pass Endorsement with conditions.

One that almost everyone receives is the completion of the Master of Divinity (MDiv) from one of several accredited institutions. Occasionally someone comes into the Ordination process already having the MDiv degree - it is a Master's Degree after all, so those who want to do certain types of pastoral counseling or work in certain non-ordained positions in the church have the degree too.

One of John's cohort members needed to work public speaking skills.

Another needed to take an additional class in a particular area.

Many needed to work on their theology within the Lutheran church and what that looks like in practice.

One of John's conditions is that we leave our home congregation and join the congregation where he is working.

We received this news two days after John had preached a very, very moving sermon on how our congregation is a family and what it means to be this family.


We were not thrilled, to say the least.

Never mind that we really didn't want to stay in that congregation anymore.

We knew that leaving right now (which is what they wanted us to do) would negate every single thing he had just said.

So we prayed some more.

And talked to the staff member at our congregation who has been so supportive.

The answer:

We will be leaving our "home" congregation permanently sometime between Christmas and Easter this 'year'.

Sometimes that still, small voice is a loud shout and a thump on the head.

And we have listened and we will go.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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