These are a Few of My Favorite Things - June's Blessings

Way back when I started this blog, before it was even 'open to the public', I wrote a monthly review of blessings that God had given us over the previous month.  I decided that for my own reminder I needed to bring that back!

So, here are June 2011's Blessings:
* All the uniform pieces our kids need for school in the fall (including an awesome fleece sweatshirt for Missy!) for totally free via the uniform swap at the kids' school.  Yes, ALL of them.  About 22 pieces total.   I was beyond excited!

* A new black skirt and sweater for me for 25 cents each at a neighbor's garage sale.

* The repairs needed for our van that came up very suddenly only costing us $150 to repair!

* A chance to see Cars 2 for free!  (And it was an awesome movie too!)

* Two outdoor movies in a friend's backyard with great food (potluck style) and great conversations with great people.

* John not needing major medical treatment for his illness this month - just lots and lots and lots of rest.

* The beautiful field across from our Camper Cabin, covered with fire flies.  It was so awesomely beautiful I can't even describe it!  And we got to enjoy it for 6 whole nights in a row.

* Being able to go hiking and cook over an open fire every single day of our camping trip, even though it was cold and rained every day while we were there!

* Writing a family mission statement.  This was a very powerful experience and I highly recommend it if you don't have one.

* John doing an excellent job leading worship this month - even though it included chanting, which he really seriously dislikes doing!

* John doing a terrific children's sermon with the "Stump the Pastor Bucket", which held a snow globe!  The church he was at has a bucket that is passed around through the kids in the congregation during the summer and the Pastor/Children's Minister/Fill-in-person has to come up with a children's sermon on the fly about the article in the bucket.

* Getting to hold a friend's brand new baby at worship one Sunday.

* John's collared shirts coming in the mail and having them fit perfectly with no altering!  He has a very large neck compared to the rest of him so I'm very grateful for that - I was expecting to have to take the shirts in.

We've had lots of progress around the house and on things at school and work too.  It's been a good, though busy and at times disappointing month.

Thanks for listening to my Blessings for June!
Do you have any to share?

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