Goals Update - A few little things that have arrived at our house...

The stole and the cross are from Tanzania, a gift from my parents and their work in Tanzania - the purchase of the stole and the cross supports the school they work at there.  The robe with its tie and the shirts are part of the progress through seminary.  He needs both for the work he'll be doing this fall.

It has been so amazing and humbling to watch John as he travels this path. 

He has lead worship this summer and will be doing so again - wearing the shirts, the robe and its tie.  He cannot wear the stole until he is ordained.  He has done a wonderful job.  Even when being put on the spot to chant and come up with a children's sermon that he hadn't previously prepared. 

He is so humble and unassuming and yet definitely the leader.

The stole symbolizes the yoke we take on when we are equally yoked with Jesus, pulling with Him on His labor in life.  There are other things it symbolizes too, but that is the part that I like the best.

John is so very yoked with Jesus. 
And I am so very blessed to be yoked with John.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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