In the Refiner's Fire - Lessons from George Muller

A few weeks ago I bought the Autobiography of George Muller and read it cover to cover in one sitting!  Yes, it really was that engrossing.  And I was absolutely enthralled.

I had first heard of George Muller when I first stumbled across Crystal's blog a few years ago. Her old blog, that is - the one before this one!  Then it suddenly kept popping up all over the place!  First on another web site I had stumbled upon, then a friend mentioned it, then a co-worker, then in a sermon at church, then a friend, and...  well, you get the picture. 

Hmmm, maybe this is something I should look into! 

I have had it on my "To Read" list for quite some time but since our local library didn't carry it and I am trying very hard not to buy any more books until I finish reading the shelves (literally) full of unread books that live in our house, I hadn't read it. 

Once I started reading I really couldn't put it down. 

I learned some very valuable things reading this book.  Some of them I 'knew' in my head but God used this book to put them on my heart as well. 

* God is never late, even if we think He is!
* Prayer can be very specific.
* God provides everything we need - not necessarily what we want.
* We have to listen to God - for His prompting, His voice and His desires, not our own. (John likes to say "It's hard to hear the Spirit when we're telling Him what to do!")

And the biggest thing I learned was this:

God accomplishes enormous things.  Sometimes by very small means over a long period of time. We just have to let Him do the work through us.

This book made such an impression on me, that I had John read it.

And we made a list of things we wanted to pray for and listen for.  They are very private things, things that have been on our hearts for so long now.  I may share some of them as/if they come to fruition.  And some are too personal to share.

One thing that is easily shared is how much more content I have become since reading this book.

I am content to live within my means
I am content to use up, reuse, make do or do without, as the saying goes.
I am content with my crazy-busy schedule - and have been far more productive than I ever thought imaginable
I am praying more often, about more things.
I am eager to sit down with John and prayer about our list.
I am content to sit and listen for God and His guidance in our lives.

I am absolutely convinced that trusting God is what places contentment in my heart.  Being so inspired has led me to believe that I really do have the capability to trust God the way He wants me to.  To put Him first in my heart. And to let Him be the guide of my course and the supplier of my provision.

If you haven't read the Autobiography of George Muller, I highly suggest you do. 

It is inspiring.
It is humbling.

And it is such a blessing.

Soli deo gloria.

Disclosure:  I purchased this book with my own money through a seller of my own choosing.  I have not in any way been compensated monetarily or given goods to write a review of any kind of this book, favorable or not.  These opinions expressed here are my own and belong to no one else.

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