In the Refiner's Fire - So Very Thankful!

It's Thanksgiving Day.

And I have so very much to be thankful for... health.... husband.... children... home... education... career... parents.... husband's parents... husband's parents... husband's 8 siblings and their spouses...
...four lively nephews...
...a lovely niece...
...the addition of a new brother-in-law and his two daughters as nieces in the next year... vehicles to travel in...
...plenty to eat...
...plenty to wear... for things I need and desire... insurance...
...access to good medical care when needed...

...with all of this glorious bounty the thing I am the most grateful for this Thanksgiving is by far and away this...

...the Grace of God Almighty...

...who gives abundantly beyond all things we could ever hope or dream of...
...who cares for us in our time of need...
...and carries us when we'd fall...
...and continues to refine me into the person He would have me be...
...which is far better than anything I could have imagined on my own.

Happy Thanksgiving!
And safe travels, to those of you traveling.

Soli Deo Gloria.

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