Work Home and Family - Kindergarten

My babies started Kindergarten yesterday.  *Sniff* 

I can't believe its been a whole 5 years (actually a little more) since we brought them home from the hospital so tiny and new.  It's gone by in a flash.  They were so ready to walk in that door yesterday.

I look at them now and think that they're young people, rather than babies or toddlers or even preschoolers.  My dear daughter has grown a whole 5 1/2 inches since Easter and her feet are now the same size as her brother's.  They both look like children, not babies or toddlers.  And people often think they are older than 5 because they are so tall (they're taller than some of the second graders at their school even!).

Grammie came up from Iowa just for the morning - she's been to each of her grand children's first day of kindergarten so she wasn't about to miss this one!  Driving a whole 3 1/2 hours to get here and celebrate the first day of school with us.

We curled hair, made sure shirts were tucked in, tied on brand new tennis shoes, placed backpacks on backs and loaded everyone into the car. For some reason, the whiteness of their knee socks and new tennis shoes has stuck with me.  And, of course we took photos on the front steps, and at the door and at their first "desks."

We went out for pizza for lunch after their half day yesterday.  The kids were so excited to have Grammie here and she was so excited to be there - and John and I were thrilled to have her there too.  John took the day off work too so that we could all be together for the day. That was so much fun!

When our kids started 3-year-old preschool 2 years ago we gave them a choice of what they could have for breakfast on their first day.  They picked doughnuts.  They get doughnuts one day a year now - their first day of school.  The most nutritious thing they could eat? No, but it's now a tradition.  And I hope the fruit makes up for some of it!  :)  They know it's a special day and we want to make it even more special, so we have doughnuts and extra prayers and ice cream with special friends at the end of the day.

We tucked them into bed last night, tired and happy and awaiting the new day today and all that they would do.

Today was their first full day. 

I packed two 'new' lunches this morning.  Loaded my kiddos in the car and headed off. 

They talked about their gym teacher, who is "10 feet tall - really mom!" (he's really 6'8"!).
And the books they heard yesterday (3 of them!). 
And their new friends that they had made yesterday (1 each!). 

And they were still excited. 

I hope the excitement doesn't wear off. 
I hope the love of learning that they gained in preschool and that we try to instill at home continues. 
I hope that the friendships they make this year last them a lifetime.

Isn't that what school and learning should be about?
It's been a wonderful couple of days. 

What more can I ask for?

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