These are a Few of My Favorite Things - My Husband

John and I have been married 12 whole years now!  Wow!  That sounds like a long time.

In some ways it has been a long time.

In 12 years we've lived in 2 different apartments, purchased a home, had two children, suffered through the deaths of 4 of our collective grandparents, welcomed John's youngest brother (who is now 11!), participated in the weddings of 3 of John's siblings, watched one of those siblings get divorced, and welcomed 3 nephews and one niece. 

Our house alone has given us quite the run for our money with a entire electrical overhaul, a yard overhaul (including installing an enormous patio ourselves), finishing off the basement, redoing the existing bathroom (including stripping it to the studs and replacing everything but the bathtub!), and installing a second bathroom.  We've painted, replaced carpeting and flooring, replaced curtains and light fixtures.

John has held 3 different jobs and is now attending Seminary to become a Hospital Chaplin in addition to working full time. At his current job, he's had 4 different immediate co-workers and 3 different bosses.  He's joined Lion's International and served three different levels of vice presidents, written the newsletter, ran the website, initiated the local Dictionary Project and filled and delivered more Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter baskets that he can count.  At church he's lead Bible studies, served for the Alpha course, been on church council, ran the stewardship program and now helps lead and minister to people as they need.

Personally, I've been diagnosed with 2 chronic illnesses, buried more relatives than I can count, took my cousin off life support, sewed many quilts, embroidered many wedding and baby plaques, had sinus surgery, spent 8 1/2 months on modified bed rest, re-recognized my faith (for the 3rd time!), got laid off  and went back to school. I've taught at 5 different colleges and universities, attended 7 conferences, sang in 3 church choirs, was the lead organizer for Alpha, served on church council, and lead Bible studies. 

Yes, it's been a long 12 years.

In other ways, its flown by. 

I think of all the things we'd have liked to do by now: redo the kitchen, fix the garage, visit the Grand Canyon and Mount Rushmore (among other places), moved out of our "starter" home and into our "dream" home, had a 3rd (and possibly 4th) child, finish this darn PhD degree, and send John go to medical school.  Not to mention all the less-tangible things like making sure our relatives and friends. know that we love them and how much they mean to us - for some of them we'll now be able to tell them. 

When I think of those things, the time has just flown by way too fast.

Through it all, John has stayed with me "to death do us part" and then some!  I am not an easy person to live with - I tend to over-react to many things and be rather nit-picky a times.  We come from very different backgrounds and that has made for rather loud fireworks at times.  Still, he's always there and always willing to help and listen and be my best friend.

I was talking with a friend about a mutual friend who was getting divorced.  These two friends had gotten married within weeks of each other and the friend I was talking with said, "I don't feel like I've been married long enough to get divorced."  She had been married for 7 years at the time.  The part of the conversation that followed was this:

"I guess if my relationship wasn't good, it would seem a lot longer than it has been."

Amen, my friend.

My relationship with John  is very, very good.

That's the biggest reason why 12 years seems like a minute.  And I love that. 

And I love him.

"Two are better than one because they have a good reward for their labor. For if they fall, one will lift up his companion.  But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Again, if two lie down together, they will keep warm; but how can one be warm alone? Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken." 
 - Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 NKJV

John picks me up when I fall down and he keeps me warm from the cold storms of the world (and puts up with my cold feet in the night!). 

The thing that I love the most is his willingness to depend on the Lord and not on his own strength.  Before he preaches he always prays, "OK, God, I'll open my mouth, You talk."  And it works every time.

John is the most humblest, gentle, and loving man I've ever met and I am so blessed to have him as my husband.

What more can I ask for?

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