Goals Update: Digging Out from Overwhelmed

Ever since I found out I won't be graduating in December, I feel like I've been dumped on my head. I have no plan, no idea of how to rearrange everything that I had so carefully scheduled and no idea of whether or not it's going to effect my job or my family relationship or anything else.

Monday this last week I hit the proverbial wall. I was stressed. I had been fighting the beginnings of a migraine for about 4 days, though it hadn't actually become the full-blown thing yet. I even skipped good friend's surprise birthday party to stay home and make sure it didn't have the external stimulation to become a full blown migraine.

I told John I needed to talk - really talk - about everything that was weighing on me. We scheduled time on Tuesday evening after the kids were in bed and everything had been 'put away for the night' so to speak. He was on call Monday night and we had an awards banquet on Wednesday night, so that was the first night we had certain time.

I sat down and just did a stream of consciousness diary entry on everything that was weighing on my mind. Three typed written pages later that was done. Then I wrote out a detailed list of everything I think needs to get done.

Tuesday night I shared the diary entry with John and then, after he had read the first one and we had talked a bit, the list.

The list started out as 15 pages and is now down to 4 1/2. We decided to end with our planning at September because that starts another chapter with my new job and the kids in kindergarten.

I felt a million pounds lighter.

It had felt like I had to do everything no later than yesterday for so long, I was having a terrible time prioritizing things. Do I still have a lot to do? Yes. But it's not quite so overwhelming. Especially since some of things involved pre-k physicals for the kids, eye doctor appointments for the kids, hair cuts, getting ready for vacation and our anniversary retreat, and a few other things that are one-shot need-to-be-done deals anyway.

So, what have I accomplished since that 'meeting' with John?
* cleaned out two bookcase
* moved furniture and washed two walls in the living room
* wrote another paper for school
* finished working with 2 transcripts for school
* planted an absurd amount of annuals in the yard
* read through 3 sets of Bible study materials as part of a curriculum project for church
* spent several hours on a project with another student at school
* attended the awards banquet with John
* attended Bible Study
* attended worship
* cleaned off my cedar chest
* relocated or pitched or recycled or donated two laundry baskets worth of material
* washed 9 loads of laundry
* spent 2 hours ironing
* played a ton with my kids
* visited with a dear friends
* read 2 books (one for school, one for fun)
* read many, many books to my kids
* finished the last of the thank you notes I needed to write (and mailed them)
*caught up our budget book and on paying our bills
* organized my coupons (again)
* took the kids to the eye doctor
* ordered glasses for Buddy
* attended a church meeting
* prepped for that church meeting and another one
* worked out 5 times
* and probably a ton of other things I am forgetting

Plus I got back on track with a new to-do list system that John helped me put together.

How cool is that?

Am I completely out of my funk? No. But I'm getting there.

What more can I ask for?

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