Super Savings Saturday - $20 Budget

In the interest of having money to spend at the Farmer's Market tomorrow, my goal was to spend no more than $20 today. I spent all of $19.57! Whoo hoo! I have $15 from this pay period plus another $10 from last pay period to spend at the Farmer's Market tomorrow. I'm happy about that!
I only went to one store and bought the following:
Store Brand Big Marshmallows $1
Store Brand 5lb Flour $2.29
Store Brand 8ct Hot Dog Buns $0.58 (store coupon)
Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal $2 - $1 Coupon = $1
Wacky Mac $1 - $0.50 - $0.50 (doubled coupon) = FREE
Post Honey Comb Cereal $2 - $1 coupon = $1
Kemps Itibitz 4x$1 = $4 - $1 - $1 (doubled coupon) = $2
Payday Bar $0.50 (to replace the Starbucks Ice Cream I had planned to get!)
Bananas 2.44lbs @ $0.48/lb = $1.17
Cucumber $0.50
Sweet Corn B6G6 = $3 for 12 ears
Grape Tomatoes 1pt $1.50
Blueberries 1pt $1.99
Strawberries 2lbs/$3 = $3
Total spent (including $0.04 on the candy bar!) = $19.57
How did you do this week?
Visit Money Saving Mom for more shopping inspiration!

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