Goals Update - 31 Projects: # 7 - #32 (and counting!)

I've been plugging away at my 31 Projects in 31 Days! Since Rachel's husband ended up in the ER with what they think are gallstones (ouch!), I offered to add a couple to my list for her. It looks like she might actually make 31, but if not, hopefully my added 4 to make it 35 Projects, will help. Not sure if I'll actually make 35 but we'll see. It's not yet the end of the day and I have a couple of projects in the works....

Go here to read the first six, and here's the next bunch!

Project #7: Installed a new mailbox to replace the one hit by the snowplow this winter! (With help from my Dad!)

Project #8: Revamped our recycling and trash area in the back entryway by hanging 3 corner shelves, and a plastic bag holder (from IKEA!). (With help from my Dad!)

Project #9: Hung the curio shelf in the kids' room. (With help from my Dad!)

Project #10: Read The Concept of Heat and It's Workings Simply Explained by Morton Mott Smith for school project.

Project #11: Wrote a paper on that book.

Project #12: Cleaned out under the desk in the office. All of that stuff was leftover from the class I taught in Fall 2008! And, yes, it's been sitting there ever since. Uff da!

Project #13: Opened savings accounts for both the kids - until now we've just had a subset of our savings account. They had a cool piggy bank promo at our bank one Saturday so we took advantage of that!

Project #14: Finished the last bit of a birthday gift for my nephew!

Project #15: Finished my Dad's birthday gift (only 2 1/2 months late! Yikes!).

Project #16: Cleaned out my closet.

Project $17: Cleaned out the kids' closet.

Project #18: Cleaned out Missy's drawers

Project #19: Cleaned out Buddy's drawers

Project #20: Purchased the materials we needed to gets the kids to where they need to be academically for kindergarten this fall. (Where does that time go?) Yikes. (And yes, that's a long story!)

Project #21: Got a plan together for actually having the kids use those materials this summer!

Project #22: Wrote thank you notes for the kids' birthday presents (with their help).

Project #23: Wrote thank you notes for a retreat we went on back in March (better late than never, right?).

Project #24: Decided what I am actually going to do for the quilt top comforter cover for our down comforter on our bed. Yes, this was actually a project because I had a pattern, some (but not all) of the fabric, and no idea what to do for the rest of it! :) Now I know what I need to do and buy. Love that feeling.

Project #25: Reconciled some spots in our budget bookkeeping that hadn't matched up.

Project #26: Cleaned out a pile of papers that had been sitting in our living room since January.

Project #27: Put together a curriculum for some adult education at our church - with 7 other people.

Project #28: Read Organize Your Life: Free Yourself From Clutter & Find More Personal Time by Ronni Eisenberg with Kate Kelly

Project #29: Organized my terribly messy fabric stash.

Project #30: Managed to get my children (and me and John and 12 other people) to and from a dance rehearsal and recital with the appropriate amount of curled hair, pressed shirts, and snacks! And then fed everyone a full meal afterward.

Project #31: Planning for June! I have a ton of things to do and without a plan, I'm betting it's not going to happen! But, now I have a plan. And some optimism!

Project #32: Typed up 1 interview transcript for my dissertation work.

Projects in the Works:
#33: Finish re-reading Reflective Lifeworld Research by Karin Dahlberg, Nancy Drew and Maria Nystrom.
#34: A fence for our garden so the bunnies don't help themselves. I just need to stake out the staple gun! :)
#35: "Finishing" a fruit topiary I started quite a while ago. I ran out of fruit, and keep thinking that I'm really going to buy more. Reality check: I bought that plastic fruit 10 years ago (*ahem*) and if I do get to that particular craft store the chances that they'll actually still carry that exact match are just about zero. So, on to plan B!
#36: More typing of interview transcripts for my dissertation.
Hopefully I can finish 4 of these today to make a total of 35 projects done in May!

Hopefully I'll post some pictures this week of these projects. And tackle some of the remaining several dozen projects on my plate! Yee haw!

What have you been working on?

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