God's Unexpected Blessings (So Far) in September

It's amazing to think that we only have another week of September left, isn't it? Where does the time go? It struck me this weekend, that even though we've had to drastically trim our budget in so many ways this fall, we've been so very, very blessed. God has truly provided above and beyond anything we could have asked or wanted. Here's a snippet:

  • Free laundry detergent! My folks needed powder detergent for a trip overseas and since they couldn't find the trial size, they bought the biggest box, put some in clearly labeled ziploc baggies and gave us the rest.
  • Free Grapes and Apples! We had company this weekend and they brought us home-grown apples and grapes as a hostess gift. I didn't have as much fruit in the house as I wanted, so this is wonderful!
  • Free doll house! A house near our daycare lady's house had a huge doll house in the front yard with a "Free" sign attached. So we stopped and picked it up! It's not in the best shape but we stuck it on the patio and the kids are having a great time playing with it!
  • Free craft supplies! A relative is cleaning out her house for sale and sent us a big box of stuff. Most of it was scrapbooking supplies - paper, stickers, die cuts, etc. I was SO excited! I had had a few projects I wasn't working on since I didn't have the 'right' stuff - printed paper or (mostly) plain card stock. I had enough to send some with the company from this weekend (who is an avid card maker), keep some for myself and set some aside to sell on eBay or Craigslist! Whoo hoo!
  • Time to clean out and take stock! This was probably the biggest blessing of the month. I had a day when I was feeling well and at home with no school work to do. So, I totally cleaned out the kitchen and the guest room. I found a bunch of stuff to give away and sell, and I was able to reuse some things we had in other places of the house. I was also able to go through the kids out of season clothes (which I keep in the guest room) and realized I only have to buy Missy a winter coat, hat and mittens and Buddy only needs pants, a winter coat, hat, mittens and boots! Whoo hoo! I would have bought them WAY more than that.

I'm always amazed at the way God works in our lives and I feel so blessed that we have so much! I'm grateful for all we have and all that 'magically' appears in our lives, by God's grace.

What has He blessed you with lately?

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