Work, Home and Family - Homemade Christmas - Gift #1 Updated Earrings

Gift #1: Updated Earrings

Our Christmas budget is tight this year - tighter than it has been in a long time.  That means I needed to get myself in gear and make some things for Christmas.  I started making one gift per week starting in September.  I also had several larger gifts that I worked on in bits and pieces as time allowed.   Hopefully, this series will give you some ideas and spark your imagination in your own gift-giving endeavors.

Gift #1 is a pair of updated earrings for our daughter.  These were placed in the box shown and then tucked into her stocking.  We open stockings on Christmas morning before attending Worship and then open larger gifts after our Christmas dinner, which happens about 3pm.

This gift cost me nothing out of pocket since I had all the pieces to make it.

Our daughter has been very enthralled with the fringe style earrings that are currently in stores and does not own a pair.   I decided to make her a pair using a pair of earrings she had discarded.

Supplies Needed:
An unused pair of hoop earrings
Embroidery thread in your desired color(s)
Sharp Scissors

I then simply used a slip knot to loop groups of the thread onto the earrings.  Each group has one thread of each color - cream, medium green and dark-er green. I deliberately alternated the direction of the front of the knot to add interest. I then used the sharp scissors to trim the thread to the desired length.  A dot of liquid "thread" was applied to each knot to prevent it from pulling off.  

Finished, a single earring looks like this.  

Cost for this project: $0 out of pocket
Time to Complete: About 45 minutes - cutting the thread and looping it took most of the time.

What did you make this week?

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