Frugal Friday - Middle of June 2019

Our beautiful pink peony this year!  YAY!
I feel like I've been jumping in and out of this space this spring - our lives have been so busy and blogging has gotten pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. 

We had company at our home for six weeks plus a few other visitors, our children finished Middle School and took a class trip to another state, my spring term ended and summer session started, John had several baptisms to officiate and a funeral, and all the normal spring activities.  We have had all the spring yard work as well - deep weeding, planting, mulching, trimming and seeding the lawn.  It has been a lot of time together and with others and have done a lot of physically and mentally difficult work.  It has been good and time consuming and I'm grateful for our spring.

Here are some things we have done in the month of June that we see as frugal:

*  We made several types of soup, dinner rolls, bread, rhubarb crisp, rhubarb pie, and zucchini dessert bars.

* I sewed several buttons back on their respective garments and replaced a zipper in a dress.

* My Mother took in the side seams on a dress for our daughter. 

* We attended two school events and a church event that were free to attend and provided entertainment and fellowship with others.

* We walked in a local parade for our church and then attended the local carnival.  A friend treated our children to rides - including a very cool ride that was an additional expense!  This friend had been planning to bring his grandchildren, but they were unable to attend. He decided to treat us instead.

* We received out first CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) box for the season. It included strawberries, rhubarb, chives, garlic scapes, spinach, radishes, asparagus and two types of herbs.  I harvested lettuce, rhubarb, and radishes from our garden.

* We purchased chicken legs and thighs on sale for 59-cents per pound.  There was a limit on how many packages we could purchase at a time, so we stopped each time we drove past the store.  Now we have plenty of chicken for a while.

* We purchased wood mulch on sale for our garden. This saved us more than half of the typical price.

* I accepted leftover food from a church event and we used it in two different meals.

* My husband received an unexpected refund on the glasses her recently purchased.  We used the refund to purchase the mulch for the garden.

* I picked flowers from the garden for a bouquet on our kitchen table several times. 

* I worked on embroidery for a gift. 

What did you do that was frugal?

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