Super Savings Saturday - $30.11 Shop

Well, the food poisoning ended up blending with a stomach bug and a major head bug so between the three, all four of us were down and out.  I actually ended up staying home from work 3 days this week, which is unheard of for me because finding a sub for my classes is all but impossible and we can only cancel one session per semester without it being a huge pain in the neck.. 

Anyway, it meant that this last week was a wash in terms of anything that wasn't completely essential got dropped.  Menu plan was taken over by a lot of toast, crackers and chicken noodle soup.  So, basically I bumped everything from last week to this next week menu-wise.  John did a huge shop last week - spent right around $60 - which included an 11lb ham and lots of on-sale canned goods. Our pantry is full in many ways but I'm running low on flour, oatmeal and cornmeal.  We're going to a Super Bowl party and found out yesterday that we should bring cookies so I ended up buying a bag of flour just to make sure I don't run out between baking both bread for us for the week and cookies.  Hoping to have a bit leftover for some zucchini bread next week.

I also bought corn flour this week instead of cornmeal - our grocery store had no cornmeal in stock (no location allocated for it) and when we asked we were told that they have mixes for cornbread and the like.  So, I will be buying cornmeal next time we go to Sam's club instead.  I have been wanting to try making corn tortillas and have  friend who is willing to teach me so I bought the  corn flour.

John and I did a quick trip to the store Saturday morning and here's what we purchased:

Bread Flour 1lb $2.39
Corn Flour 1lb $2.99
Flour Tortillas 2 @ $1 = $2
Campbell's Tomato Soup 2 @ $0.75 ea = $1.50
1lb Bacon $3.99 (store coupon
3lb Pink Lady Apples $4.99
Salad Blend 2 @ $1 = $2
Cucumber $0.69
Green Bell Pepper $0.69
Avocado $0.67
2.61lb Bananas @ $0.59/lb =  $1.54
Greek God's Yogurt $3.79
1 dozen large Eggs $1.89

Total Spent $30.11
Total Saved (according to store receipt): $2.28 (6%)

I'm hoping with some of the stocking up we've done we can be light on the budget this next week.  I have about $20 in the envelope which should get us milk, eggs and some produce.  We'll hit Sam's Club sometime the beginning of next month. 

Come back Monday to see what we're eating!
What did you buy this week?  Any good deals?

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