Super Saving Saturday - $34.33 Shop and our CSA

One of the many things that I love about summer is that it's quite easy to lower the grocery budget thanks to our CSA and what we have growing in our garden.  I love the taste of the fresh produce and I love that we can cut back at the store and put that money elsewhere. 

Right now we're setting some money aside to do a big stock up right before John is done with Residency at the end of August.   If John isn't already in place in a Call by then, our income will drop dramatically and having a very full pantry and freezers will be a huge blessing.  We're working on a list to figure out what would be the best things to stock up on and I'll be keeping you posted as to how all of that is going as we approach that point. He's had several interviews so we're hopeful that we won't need to stock up, but we'd rather be prepared than caught short.

Anyway, back to this week's shopping and our CSA.

Here's our CSA box this week:
Clockwise from upper left: Spinach, Lettuce, Garlic Scapes, Kale, Thyme, Sage, Swiss Chard (Silverbeet), Raspberries (not all of them made it into the photo!), and Sour Cherries.
The weather has been very wet and quite cool so the gardens are moving along slowly.  We had a burst of heat this last week so they should be more productive this week.  In our own garden, we've had a few single strawberries - enough for everyone to get a taste - and lettuce and basil.  The tomatoes and a few peppers are starting to set so July should bring us those.  The beans have flowered and I'm hoping my pea plants will recover from a ravenous rabbit that decided to have lunch a week or so ago.  I'm thinking that I will have to rely on the CSA for peas this year.  Once we start having more than a handful of something in the garden, I'll take photos so you can see that too.
John went to the store on the way home from dropping  a friend at the hospital to stay overnight with an ill relative (their car was out of commission currently) and picked up a few things for this week too:
S&W Garbanzo Beans 15oz can x2 = 2 @ $0.60 = $1.20
S&W Chili Beans  15oz can x2 = 2 @ $0.60 = $1.20
Baking Powder 8oz  $1.99
5.86lb Whole Chicken @ $0.99/lb = $5.80
4.5lb Pork Ribs @ $1.59/lb = $7.16
Cantaloupe 2 @ 2/$3 = $3
Whole Pineapple $2.99
4lbs Fuji Apples $4.99
2lbs Strawberries @ $1.50/lb = $3
2 dry pints Blueberries @ $1.50/dry pint = $3
Total spent $34.33

We have two potlucks this week that we will bring fruit and/or a tossed green salad for and we'll use half the pork for a meal this week and put the rest in the freezer for later.  The chicken is in the freezer for later as well.  I'm hoping to try a couple of different roasted chickpea sacks this week - I'm pretty excited and I'll let you know how they turn out.  I love chickpeas but I'm the only one in the house who does so we don't have them very often.
How did your shopping go this week?

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