Frugal, er, Saturday - Two weeks worth of "frugal"

Another beautiful sunrise!  We've been getting spoiled with these the last few weeks.  Sunsets too!  They've been such an encouragement to me!

The last two weeks have been busy and difficult here.  John ended up in the ER twice and my shingles are back in full force. I discovered that driving is a major stressor for the muscle knots that I develop (compounded by the shingles) and my right leg has been basically numb for the last week.  Since I have an 18-mile one-way by the shortest way commute to work, that's definitely not a good thing.  Stress levels go up, shingles come back. Anyone, want to invent a way to teleport?  I'd be all over that!

After more than a month of feeling back to normal this is really discouraging for me.  I'm trying to stay optimistic, but in the middle of terrible pain and the inability to do simple things like walk across the room without holding onto things, it's really difficult sometimes. 
I feel like we haven't been terribly frugal the last two weeks.  We spent the entire amount of "extra" money we had the last month on Power Ade -type drinks, medications, and the like.  I had planned on buying Buddy new school pants, since he's grown quite a bit, but that has to wait now.  Uff da.  We did do a few things.  Here's what we did:

* Ate almost all meals at home or took meals with us.  I ate one meal out with friends that I hadn't seen in almost 2 years and John ate one free meal at work.

* Cooked a turkey in the crockpot (it turned out delicious!) and froze the leftovers.

* Continued to eat down the freezers in anticipation of a big meat purchase later this spring.

* Made and froze waffles and scones for breakfasts later.

* Downloaded several free coloring pages from the internet.

* Checked out several books and audiobooks and a couple of movies from the library.

* Watched a few free shows on and YouTube.

* Caught up the ironing.  YAY!

* Started making homemade Valentine's for the children to take to school for Valentine's Day.  We're making rock candy for my son to take and my daughter is making decorated sugar cookies.  No child in their class has allergies so we can make and bring our own candy/goodies.

* Mended two pairs of pants for my husband and shortened my daughter's dance costume.  The legs were way too long - something that's never happened for her before!

* We earned a collective $165 to pay toward our debt repayment these last two weeks.

I think that's it for us.  What did you do these last two weeks?

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