Frugal Friday - Where on earth did this week go?


I have three posts halfway written from the last week. 

Unfortunately, this week just seemed to fly by and I am completely wiped out. We had three nights where we didn't get home until 8pm or later (one night it was 945pm!) and posting was the very last thing on my mind. Hopefully I can get those finished and up this week!  It looks like this week is a little quieter so I'm hoping!
That said, we did do some frugal things this week so here goes:

* Returned books to the library and renewed a couple of others.  Then, of course, we brought home more!

* Ate most meals at home, ate one at church (Lenten dinner) and John and I get a date out at the school fundraiser on Saturday - it's a silent auction, dinner, and dance to raise money for the school's scholarship fun and usually a few other specific things (text books, gym equipment, etc.).  The last one was not really frugal but our children benefit as do many, many others.

* John brought home two loaves or artisan bread that was going to be thrown away after Lenten dinner on Wednesday. We enjoyed it with salad for lunch today.

* The day I left my lunch sitting on the kitchen table at home, a co-worked attended a workshop and returned with a turkey-lettuce-and-tomato on sourdough sandwich that he didn't want (he had already eaten before he went).  I gratefully accepted the sandwich!  Additionally, it was delicious!
* I taught an extra Jazzercise class this week so I earned some extra money doing that.

* I ordered myself two new pairs of workout shoes.  I usually go through 4-5 pairs per year (that's pretty normal for the number of classes I teach and attend) and hadn't replaced mine in a long time. I had been saving up so I had $100 to spend - good aerobic shoes are pricey and I hoped to get one pair and then start saving the balance for a second pair.  Instead I was able to get two pairs for just under $100 on sale with an additional discount.  That price included shipping since I bought them online.  My current workout shoes will now become my "new" "tennis shoes" for wearing around with jeans and such and my old ones that I'd been wearing around I'll recycle into planters for pansies on my front step (my cousin did this and it's adorable, plus they're porous so I don't need drain holes).

* We went for the free ice cream at Dairy Queen on Monday.  Yum!  We went quite late in the evening and they were completely out of cones in any size so they were giving away free cups of ice cream instead.  That was fine with us!
* As a family, we took several walks at the nearby park.  The children enjoyed floating sticks in the melting creek and I enjoyed watching the birds and squirrels.

* I put together a list of clothes my children need for the summer and then purchased two pairs of shorts on sale for $5 each for my daughter.  She seems to wear through rear before summer is over with the type of shorts she likes (knit) so I decided to buy new rather than looking for secondhand.  There are a few other things my children need and I will look for those at the huge "garage sale" the community education puts on in April.  Other than summer sandals for each child, I think everything else on the list is a would-be-nice item rather than a true need so I'm not going to work too hard to get them.  If I find them, great. If not, we'll be fine. 

* John attended a workshop at the seminary on salary and benefits negotiating for first-time pastors.  I am sure he will use the information he learned! We are grateful that this information is free and available to him and that we live close enough to the seminary for him to attend all of these opportunities that are available.

* I downloaded two free ebooks for my free Kindle for PC. 

* We watched several TV shows online for free.

* Paid our deposit for our CSA for this summer.  And ate the last of the frozen veggies from last summer.  Looking forward to this year.

* Listened to several podcasts online for free.  I love listening to these or music while I do household chores!

I didn't get any sewing done this week and only did the bare basics on maintenance for cleaning up and out so hopefully next week I can do some more of that.   I did get my seed orders in the mail so I am planning on starting those in an old egg carton tomorrow or Sunday so we can get them in the ground the beginning of May. They're mostly flowers so that should be fine.

What have you done this last week that count as "frugal"?

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