Menu Plan Monday - Week of March 29, 2015
Potato Soup (with bacon and cheddar), biscuits and fruit salad. Yum! We're hopefully warmer this week. The snow is basically gone and it's starting to feel like spring. Hurray! My rhododendron is budding out and the irises next to the house are starting to stick their little green tops out of the ground. We took the insulation off the roses and hopefully the tulips and paper whites will poke through this week too. I'd love to have them blooming by Sunday for Easter, but that may be way too ambitious! Either way, it's Holy Week and I'm pretty optimistic that my children will not be hunting Easter Eggs in the snow this year. I'll take it! We went to Sam's Club on Friday night to buy toilet paper and ended up spending our grocery money there instead of the regular store. We bought milk ($1.98/gallon!), apples, oranges, bananas, and canned corn at prices cheaper than our regular grocery. We also bought the toilet paper and onions at the same p...