Frugal Friday on a Saturday

We're getting ready for company, trying to finish up the Christmas shopping and present making, and all of that is interspersed with pageant rehearsals, two funerals, final exams, numerous Christmas concerts and the Sunday school pageant, some really sick friends and head colds all around our house.  I'm officially ready for a break and almost able to take one!  Hurray!

These last few weeks haven't felt very frugal - we've been fighting head colds and there's been more canned soup eaten than I would have liked but there are a few things that we did for frugality over the last week or two:

* We finished making gifts and handmade ornaments for the teachers.  We will make cookies for other friends and colleagues as well (hopefully tomorrow).

* I finally got all my information back from my dead computer so I don't have to refile all my paperwork!  I can't tell you how happy I am about that!

* We were gifted quite a bit of food this week:  a congregation member gifted us a jar of homemade blackberry jam (yummy!). A friend who is moving gave us lots of canned soup, boxes of crackers and spices.  John brought home another box of crackers plus a meat and cheese plate from a church staff party this week.  A coworker gave all of us a gift of chocolates for St. Nicholas Day.

* I made homemade cinnamon rolls, biscuits, pancakes, waffles and pizza and breadsticks.

* We were also gifted two beautiful decorative pillow covers from a congregation member in green and gold.  She thought they'd be perfect for holiday decor but I think they'll look great in our living room year round!
* We've been doing a lot of sorting and cleaning out and we have four big bags of outgrown, no-longer-used clothing, smaller household items and such to take to the thrift store on Monday.  We also have a very full recycle bin for this week's pickup.

* We needed to repair and repaint the upstairs bathroom wall and we took advantage of the "warm" weather the end of this week to do that.  We then picked up a new curtain for the window (we had some mildew problems and I didn't feel the curtain was worth saving) for less than $10 off a clearance rack.  I printed a free online picture and used a frame we had for artwork to replace the artwork I had to throw away.

* We continued to take our lunches to work and wash and re-used containers and plastic bags.

* We have $7 in our grocery budget left this week so John went to the store and bought 1 gallon of milk and a bag of oranges.  Money done for the month!

* The children and I attended a free community event for the holidays and enjoyed free live music and the children each received a large glow stick.

What did you do this week that is frugal?

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