Goals - Week of March 3, 2013

I'm quite pleased that I've gotten quite a bit done the last few week.  And yet, somehow, I still seem to be behind where I want to be.  How on earth does that happen?   I think I have a time warp that follows me around and steals my time when I'm not looking.

We also made the decision for me to go and visit my parents for a few days in a few weeks and relieve my Mom from some of the chemo care that she is doing for my Dad.  John kindly rearranged his work schedule to handle the children's schedule for 3 work days by himself - I'm so grateful for a husband who is willing to make those kind of sacrifices!  Since that decision was made, I'm sleeping better but I've been so very weary that I've been needing to get more sleep. After about a week of that, I'm just now starting to come out of that so I'm guessing I was more worried about my Dad and when I was going to get down to see both of them than I thought.  Looking forward to that trip and hoping that one of my lovely sisters-in-law can come up and help John with the kids while I'm away.

Anyway, that's where we started this week.  Today was a snow day for our school district and I had the blessing of staying home for a lazy day with my two favorite children.  No outside playing since we had left the snow pants and boots at school, but we had fun anyway. And since it snowed almost all day anyway, we didn't have much chance to go outside.  The sun did peek out at one point and - wow! - what a pretty sight it was.  I didn't get any photos, though but that's okay.

Busy evenings this week and next so here are my goals this week:

Keep up with my grading.
Prep for the next unit
Clean out part of my filing cabinet (it's still messy from the move in January - and whole section of my lecture notes decided to run away to someplace unexpected on me, so I need to find them soon!)

Review my proposal
Meet with my adviser
Complete 1 other item on my to-do list (this will depend on my schedule as to what gets done)

Teach class 4 times this week
Learn 3 new routines
File my paperwork

Children's Program  and Lunch at Church on Sunday
Piano Lessons on Monday
Dance Lessons on Thursday
Birthday Party on Friday
Dance Lessons on Saturday
Play date for Missy on Saturday
At-home date for John and me on Saturday

Catch up the ironing (again)
Clean out at least 7 items to be donated, trashed or recycled from our home
Finish Lenten Wreath and Hang
Make Easter Banner (if I'm really ambitious, this will be fabric rather than paper!)

Lenten Worship and Meal on Wednesday
Continue Memorizing Romans
30 Minutes on Church Photo Albums (I have completed 2 of these in the last two weeks - have 2 more to go and then I can take them back to church - whoot!)
Pray daily for our home congregation - they're going through another transition right now.
Continue memorizing Luther's Morning and Evening Prayers (my Lenten Devotion this year).
Continue our Jesus Tree with the children 

Polish the rest of my shoes
Soak my feet and use foot cream on them one time
Let Missy paint my toenails again (she did a great job last time and thinks its fun!)
Breakfast with my best friend on Saturday (we've been hoping to do this since last fall but haven't since one or the other of us has been ill the whole time - I'm so excited that we get to do this this week!)

What are you up to this week?  Visit Money Saving Mom to share and be inspired!

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