Work, Home, and Family - Spousal Connections (and John's Birthday Gift!)
Goodness - I've had this post half-written for over a month now. It's amazing to me how fast the time goes and how I just can't seem to fit it all in from one day to the next. Throw in sick kids and things really get crazy! This is the first week we're having that seems to be 'back on track', so to speak. Hopefully things will keep moving forward this way! John and I are busy, busy people - we have 3 jobs between the two of us, we're both in school, we have two children who are also in school and have various other activities they're part of, we own our own house and two vehicles, have a yard with flowers, grass, vegetables and trees that we need to maintain, we're part of a faith community, and have extended family and friends that we enjoy spending time with as well. And I could add more to that list too. With all of these things going on it's very hard to maintain our connections to each other - especially time to really connect and l...