Goals - Week of September 30, 2012

Last week was a whirl-wind of taking care of my sick husband, trying to dig myself out of my giant pile of grading, having a ton of other "little" things happen (like getting stuck in traffic and being late to work) that just didn't help matters, and coming down with a huge amount of sinus drainage from the huge air pressure changes.  Add a stress migraine that arrived about 7am on Monday morning and didn't leave until about 8pm on Wednesday and it was definitely not the best week I've ever had. 

Worship Sunday morning was a Service of Healing, which was exactly what I needed to get this week off to a good start!  It was lovely and so appreciated. Even though the rest of the day wasn't exactly restful, it was a nice way to release the tension and start the week on the right foot.

I'm skipping the review since last week was chaos and I never got last week's goals posted anyway.  So here's this week's:

* Catch all grading up to current.
* Write up project assignment for this unit in one class.
* Write test for other class.
* Start outlining next units for both classes.
* Update web pages.

* Cross 4 things off my dissertation to-do list.
* Continue cleaning out my desk and bookcase at school.

* Teach 5 classes this week (yes, you did read that right!).
* Put together 2 new sets.
* Learn 3 new routines.
* Pay franchise and insurance fees.

* Piano Lessons.
* Dance Lessons 2x.
* Scouts.
* Print photos for Missy's 2011 photo album.
* Date Night with John on Friday (free childcare at church).
* Family Night - Pot Luck at our CSA.
* "Date" at home with Missy while John and Buddy go to Scouts.
 * Finish reading The Horse and His Boy by C.S. Lewis out loud to the children.

* Finish mulching flower beds.
* Do one little thing each night to keep our house clutter free.
* Do one little thing each day to keep our bedroom clutter free.
* FPU Class - and homework!
* Pay bills and mail them.
* Catch up the ironing (again - I swear this stuff multiplies on it's own!).

* Write to our Compassion International child.
* Finish memorizing The Sermon on the Mount.
* Read 2nd book for Book Study at church.
* Choir Practice.

* Get my hair cut.
* Polish my shoes.
* Get to bed on time 6 nights out of 7 this week.

 What are your goals for this week?  Visit Money Saving Mom to share.

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