Goals - Week of September 16, 2012

This last week consisted of both kids and me getting one of the worst head colds we've had in this house in about 2 1/2 years.  Every time I get a head cold, well frankly, it scares me.  I mean, I should say, terrifies me. I see myself getting sick all over again - completely incapacitated, additional surgeries, the whole nine yards.  Such is my imagination when I'm tired and not feeling well.   

The kids bounced back with the speed of kids. John didn't start to get sick until Sunday night - and he doesn't get very sick.  I pushed through to the end of the week and then spent 44 of the next 48 hours in bed coughing, sleeping, reading and trying to snack and drink a little.  Needless to say, in the midst of all that, my to-do list did not take top priority!

Here's the results:

* Continue to keep up with grading  I actually did pretty well on this, all things considered. Only one activity that didn't get graded.
* Finish all the back-ground work for the first units for both classes (these were mostly done before, I just have to dot i's and cross t's, now that I know how many students I have)
* Get the web pages up!  Got one up.  Another one to go.
* Department potluck - bring fruit salad

* Continue cleaning out my desk and bookcase
* Cross 2 things off my dissertation to-do list  One half of one thing.

* Teach at promo event
* Teach 2 classes, attend 1 additional class

* 2 new routines
* 1 new set

* Continue blanching veggies (we're almost done with these for the year)  Can I just say it's a good thing we love string beans in this house!
* 30 minutes weeding
* Lay mulch in back flower bed
* Catch up the ironing  I did some ironing but certainly didn't get things caught up
* Finalize Christmas gift list - pick one to work on right now

* Family Night: Continue with attentiveness, bonfire
* At home date night with John  I was too sick - John was kind enough to sit on the bed next to me and listen to me whine.  Does that count as a date? ;)
* Start dance lessons this week - 2x/wk
* Start piano lessons this week - 1x/wk

* John helps officiate at a friends' funeral this week :(
* Continue memorizing the Sermon on the Mount
* Talk to the church office about the paraments
* Read book for book study

* Paint my toe nails
* 30 minutes of embroidery
* Go to bed on time for 5 nights this week  This was actually the easiest - I felt so crummy that I had to fight myself if I needed to get something done after 9pm!

So this week I have some catching up to do!   Thankfully, not too much and I've given up two of the four Jazzercise classes I'm supposed to teach this week.  I decided I'd definitely wait until I'm better before teaching a full class again!

Here are my goals:

* Notes for next unit for each class
* Catch up grading
* 2nd web page up and both pages up to date

* Continue cleaning out my desk and bookcase
* Cross 3 things off my to-do list

* Teach 2 classes
* 3 new routines
* 2 new sets

* Blanch beans
* Make salsa to use up the tomatoes and chili peppers we have taking over our fridge :)
* 30 minutes of weeding
* Lay mulch in the back flower bed
* Clean up wood pile
* Update budget book

* Dance lessons x2
* Scouts
* Piano lessons
* At Home Date Night with John
* Family Night: Continue with Attentiveness (almost done with this one)

* Continue memorizing The Sermon on the Mount
* Talk to the church office about the paraments
* Read book for book study
* Attend choir practice

* Get to bed on time 5 nights this week
* Concentrate on using loving words with my family, especially my children

What is on your to-do list this week?  Visit Money Saving Mom to share and be inspired!

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