Goals Update and Goals for Week of July 15, 2012

 Ah, yes. Goals.  We're actually doing pretty good with several things.  The kids are really getting into the whole chores routine - which we as parents love!  The kids are loving the "extra" time that it gives Mom and Dad to spend with them, not to mention the time spent on the chores themselves. We've gotten a lot of things that weren't on the list done too:  new edging put around several flower beds (we still have more to go, but it looks great in the meantime!), several functions at the church John is working at, VBS for the kids, and getting a huge chunk of my sewing/craft area cleaned out (LOVE that!).

Here's the list from 2 weeks ago.

* Finish outlining my first units for each class I'm teaching. (This is almost done - 2 units for one class left to go!)

* Finish going through interview transcripts (Almost done with this too!)

* Teach class 3x
* Put together 1 new set
* Learn new Opener

* Catch up ironing
* Water vegetables and vulnerable flowers every day we don't have rain
* Finish cleaning out our bedroom (Didn't get much of this done, but still working on it!)
* 1 hr sewing/mending
* Rearrange everything in the media center
* Finish sorting through our giant stack of CDs - upload songs to keep, donate CDs (Sorted through the CDs, haven't uploaded anything yet!)

* Read at least 30 minutes with each kid 4x this week
* Finish travel game tin for kiddos (Need to do this THIS week!)
* Date night out with John
* Make cookies with the kiddos 
* Work on solidifying our morning routine (This needs some tweeking!)
* Work on solidifying our chore routine  (This has gotten pretty solid so I'm crossing this off!)
* Attend 2 4th of July events, including fireworks display
* Meet with folks about the issues that came up this last week
* Purchase or make a Birthday present for the children's friend
* Finish and mail baptism gift for our Nephew (Got this finished - need to get it to him - we didn't make it to the baptism this last weekend).

* Continue memorizing the Sermon on the Mount
* Review John's Sermon for the weekend (4 services at the same church = 1 sermon!)
* Finish Lutheran World Relief Quilt Top (return to church)  (Done - just need to return it!)
 * Review and Update my prayer journal
* Send Birthday Card(s) to our Compassion International Child

* Paint my toenails (and hopefully Missy's too - that way I'll actually do it!)
* Get my hair cut - appointment on Tuesday! Whoot!  (This turned out to be way shorter than I had anticipated. I like it, but I'm still getting used to it. Can't hide a bad hair day as easily anymore! :)  )
* Blog 4x this week (Blogged 3x that week - none last week)
* Pray about a new routine/schedule/something to make my days more efficient and productive  (The new chore routine is helping this, but I'm still working on it. John and I talked about it a lot too and I'm hoping to have something solid in place by the time teaching starts again in September)

Now we're back to this week!  Here's the goal list for this week:

* Finish those outlines
* Clean up my filing cabinet

* Finish those transcripts
* Meet with my adivsor

* Download new routines! Whoot!
* Learn 2 new songs.
* Set for first class this week
* Set for second class this week
* Attend class at least once when I'm not teaching this week

* Catch up the mending again
* Catch up the ironing again (I think this one multiples on it's own!)
* 30 minute clean out in my sewing/craft area x 3
* Weed back flower bed (weather permitting)
* Have AC serviced
* Finish updating budget with John
* Water flowers and veggies on days we don't have rain

Breakfast with my cousins on Saturday AM
* Take the kids to the park
* Finish that travel game tin
* Renew library books
* Read 5x with the kids for 30 minutes each
* Finish reading The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis to the children
* Mail our nephew's gift
*   Fill out and mail paperwork for fall for the children
* Start planning John's endorsement celebration for sometime this fall (more on this later, Lord Willing, of course!)

* Continue memorizing the Sermon on the Mount (parts of this are easier than others!)
* Proof John's sermon for Sunday
* Return that quilt top to church
* Purchase gift cards for relief effort for Northern Minnesota flood victims (part of a group project from church)
*  Drop off bagged items for donation
*  Set up a time to meet with a staff member at our sponsoring congregation

* Update my "Everything" Binder and calendar
* Paint those toenails (really already!)
*  Blog 3x this week :)

What are you up to this week?  Visit Money Saving Mom to share!

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