Goals for the Week of June 24th

This month got off to a very, very busy start! 

The first week of June was also the kids last week of school, the week I'd designated for writing, and the week my folks left for their home out of state!  It was also the week that one of our Jazzercise instructors was diagnosed with a serious medical condition (and couldn't teach), that 2 other friends got married, my cousin was in town from out of state, and we didn't have childcare for 2 days!  Whew!

Then we got sick - 3 of the four of us, John started summer intensives, a dear friend died and John officiated at a funeral, the remaining pastor at our home congregation (who I had been going to speak with) left to take another call elsewhere, they decided to completely rearrange the office I'm in at work (including new carpet, painting, and furniture), and I broke my 4th toe on my right foot (and then taught 2 classes at Jazzercise on it!). 

And now this week starts our 9 weeks of marathon travel for John's preaching each weekend (and sometimes during the week too).

Now I'm tired.
And ready for life to get back to whatever "normal" is around here!  :)

That said, my week writing was wonderful and I now have a very concise list of things that I need to do, things that I need to talk to my adviser about and I got over 50 pages written.  Even better than that, I actually feel like I can finish this whole PhD thing. I was started to feel very discouraged about it, so I am very relieved that I am at this point now. 

So, here are my goals for this week:

* Finish outlining my first units for each class I'm teaching.
* Write up a list of things I need to make (or have the shop make) for my new class. 

* Email 3 professors
* Finish going through interview transcripts  
* Cross 2 other things off my dissertation to-do list 

* Set for first class/teach class
* Set for second class/teach class
* Learn new Glut routine
* Learn new Opener
* Finish setting up paperwork for new classes (whoot - very excited about this!) 

* 1 hr weeding
* Catch up ironing
* Finish cleaning out our bedroom
* Label bins in Buddy's room 
* 1 hr sewing/mending
* Finish planting my annuals

* Read at least 30 minutes with each kid 5x this week
* Library trip
* Finish travel game tin for kiddos
* At home Date night with John
* Family Night - Lesson on John the Baptist (Friday)
* Make cookies with the kiddos
* Make Fruit Pockets with the kiddos
* Work on solidifying our morning routine
* Work on solidifying our chore routine
* Write list of clothes to pick up from Uniform Swap at school
* Attend the Uniform Swap at the kids' school
* Make sure John and the kiddos get their hair cuts done! 

* Continue memorizing the Sermon on the Mount
* Review John's Sermon for Wednesday
* Review John's Sermon for Sunday
* Finish Lutheran World Relief Quilt Top (return to church)
* Have everything ready to go for Wednesday and Sunday
* Send two sympathy cards to friends who lost loved ones last week
* Paint my toenails (I never seem to get to this!)
* Get my hair cut (this never seems to get done either)
* Cut myself a flower bouquet from our garden for the kitchen table
* Blog 5x this week :)

What are you goals this week?  Go to Money Saving Mom to be inspired and share your goals for the week!

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