Goals - Week of May 6th, 2012

Nothing like leaving you all hanging 2 weeks go! Sorry about that - I really didn't mean to and I totally dislike this time of year because it just seems like no matter what we do, we're just crazy busy.

I actually did very well with my list from 2 weeks ago and the list from last week as well.

Here's my list for this week:

* Continue keeping up my grading  (I've actually been able to do this and I'm completely excited about it!)
* Final exam
* Final grades
* Tidy up my paperwork and notes from the semester
* Finish equipment list for fall
* Turn in the equipment list for fall (You know, so that I actually have my equipment in the fall!)

* Meet with my advisor
* End-of-year paperwork filled out and submitted
* Finish proposal
* Submit proposal

* Set for 1st class
* Set for 2nd class
* Learn 1 new routine

* Tidy sewing area
* Bake gingerbread cookies
* Go through giant stack of mail in my living room
* Go through giant stack of old magazines in my living room

* Birthday Dinner on Sunday Night
* Missy and Buddy's Birthday on Monday - decorate gingerbread cookies (their choice)
* Dance Photos for Buddy and Missy on Wednesday Night
* Be ready for the Birthday Party on Saturday
* Birthday Party on Saturday
* Finish my MIL's Mother's Day gift
* Daily conversation with my parents while they are here

* Continue memorizing the Sermon on the Mount
* Write letter to our Compassion Child
* Pray for my cousin's church - they're in the middle of the call process
* See if we can finalize John's summer preaching schedule
* Pray for my children and my husband daily (I've fallen off the bandwagon with this and I really need to get back to it!)

* Wash my face every night
* Get up with John each morning so I have my alone time before my folks get up

What are you up to this week?  Go to Money Saving Mom to share.

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