Goals - Week of April 22nd, 2012


Has it really been 24 days since I last posted?

I ended up spending 2 weeks sick - as in really sick. Like can't get out of bed for 3 straight days sick - I literally rolled on the floor to get to the bathroom for two of those and had John carry shuffle me there the third.  I was home with my kiddos alone one of those days and, honestly, I have absolutely no idea what they ate for breakfast and lunch.  I have a feeling it was the reason we ran out of snack-bagged popcorn in about a day and half.  Fortunately, they are old enough to get their own snacks and drinks, which meant they probably watched way too much TV that day and ate way too much junk food.  They were perfectly fine though and we made it through without any real problems.

I just didn't realize that it had taken me this much time to catch up.

Thanks for sticking with me!

Here are my goals for this week:


* Solution sets for this unit
* Update the course web page
* Notes for daily classes
* Sample test and accompanying hand-outs for this unit
* Test for this unit
* Stay caught up on grading

* Meet with my advisor (again)
* Minimum of 15 hours of writing this week
* Learn 3 new routines
* Set for first class
* Set for second class
* Organize my paperwork (again)
* Clean out my workout wear

* Prime and paint patches in downstairs bathroom
* Get guest room ready for company
* "Cutter Patrol" for the house (with help from John and the kiddos)
* Finish deep cleaning my daughter's room
* Family Night - Mark, Apostle
* Craft with the kiddos
* Daily 10/10 with John

* Continue work on memorizing The Sermon on the Mount
*Treats for John's Bible Study this week

* Wash face nightly
* 15 minutes of "for fun" reading each day

We have company coming next week for a long-term stay so this is my week to get the house ready for that and we have the semester winding to a close in a couple of weeksfor John and me as well.  The kids have a ton of school activities coming up.  It's a busy time of year for sure! 

We've had so much to do, but it's been such a blessing.  John has been able to preach at several churches (with the exception of Easter - which was good because I was so sick) and it's been amazing to watch him mature in his preaching ability and the fellowship that he has with all people.  I am continually amazed by his servant heart and the joy he has in serving others.  Ministry is definitely his calling! 

Lord willing, I'll do a wrap up next week so you all can see where I'm at.  Because you know you want to know! :)

What are your goals for this week? Check out Money Saving Mom to share and be inspired!

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