These Are a Few of My Favorite Things - A New Year!

Can you believe it? 

Where did 2011 go?

Didn't we just get started?

Whether we're ready or not, 2012 is actually here.

This last year has been a big challenge for us - and there wasn't really a single reason why.  It was difficult in so many ways and I often felt very silly thinking that things were difficult, since we didn't have the huge financial, medical, educational or social difficulties that so many others face. For us, it was a classic case of too many straws on the proverbial camel's back.  Some straws were chosen, others handed to us without our consent, and some were things that were entirely God's doing.

This coming week, I'll review this past year and post my hopes for the coming year.

I love a fresh start and I am fortunate enough to get two of them - right now at the beginning of the calendar year, and again in September when the school year starts over again. 

I am so very grateful for everything that has happened in 2011.

And I am even more grateful for the new start I have in 2012.

So to all of you...

Happy New Year and wishing you God's many Blessings in 2012!

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