Healthy Habits in 2011 - Certified!!!!

It's official!

I'm officially a certified Jazzercise instructor! 

Whoo hoo!!!!  (And I have the official microphone belt to prove it!) :)
Boy, can I tell you that it's been a process and one I am so glad that I've gone through.  And, my, has it been humbling, as well!

I have been "Jazzin'" for 11 years now.  I thought I knew what I was doing.  Boy, did I have a LOT to learn!

I learned that even though I have a small amount of dance background, I really needed to learn a fair amount about dance.
I learned that I really can push myself a little more than I thought.
I learned that I am stronger than I thought I was - physically and mentally.
I learned that I really and truly don't embarrass easily - that is a very good thing!
Interestingly enough, the thing I learned the most was this:  I'm not giving my life my "all".

At workshop, my trainer said "I really don't think you're giving this everything you've got."  She was absolutely right. 

And you know what, I haven't been giving anything my all for years now. 
And she is the only person who's called me on it!

So, I've been trying to dive in with all barrels loaded for the last few weeks, since I was certified.
It's been busy.
It's been great.

I've been taking a hard look at my life and my goals and what I feel I "need" to accomplish each day and each week.
I'll write more about that on Monday (God willing!) next week.

In the meantime, things are busy.  And I'm okay with that.  We're in a season of life when life is busy right now. We're working on changing that for spring semester (yes, we live life in 'semesters' here!). 

For right now, I'm trying to eat right, exercise daily (necessary to be "on" for the classes I teach for Jazzercise), and get enough sleep.

Oh, and the weight thing?  I've lost 2 clothes sizes and gained 5 lbs.
Something about muscle being more dense than fat.
Because I know I have gained muscle mass - I can see it and I can do things I never thought I could do before!

I'm not that worried about the weight - honestly, I never have been.  I do hate going to the doctor and having them say "Well, technically you're morbidly obese according to your BMI and the numbers on the scale, but you don't appear to be obese. But you might want to think about that."  So I'd still like to loose those "extra" pounds. 

For now, I'm content with getting stronger and making manageable changes in my sleep and eating habits.

What about you?  How are you doing?  I'd love to hear....

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