These Are A Few of My Favorite Things - My Cousin Diane

Earlier this spring, my cousin Diane did all of the frosting on this fabulous cake that we had for my kids' 6th birthday.

My cousin Diane is so special to me.  I'm the youngest cousin by almost 20 years on my Mom's side of the family.  I am an only child, Diane has two brothers and we had 2 other male cousins.  So, Diane and I are the only girls. 

Never mind that Diane is literally old enough to be my mother and her son is only 5 years younger than me.  Never mind that her two step-sons are my age and she has grandchildren.  Once I hit my teenage years, we've always been very close.

Diane lives about 3 hours away and it has never stopped her from being here for our kids birthdays, recitals and programs.  She comes a few times a year for the weekend - just to visit and spend time with us.  She and her husband, Bo, live on a very limited income and are so generous with their time and energy and what they do have.  She always shares apples, grapes and raspberries from their garden and yard.  They always share the "fruit" of Bo's hunting trips - bear and dear mostly, though we've also been blessed with antelope, fish, elk and moose also.  They always have a free bed if we need it and provide very generous hospitality.  They are true friends and their love of the Lord shines through everything they do.

I am so very blessed to have Diane in my life.
And I am blessed that God has given me my extended family.

Truly, my relationship with Diane is one of my favorite things.
I am so very blessed.

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