Work, Home and Family - Through the Eyes of a 6-year-old Boy

Lately Buddy has gotten into taking photos with my little wimpy digital camera.  Since the camera was cheap, and I don't even pretend to be a photographer, I think it's pretty fun. He hasn't dropped it in water yet - that might make me take the camera away! In the meantime, I'm enjoying seeing the world through the eyes of a 6-year-old boy:

I think it's safe to say that my little guy likes nature and dinosaurs.  What do you think?

And just for a bonus:
A conversation that took place tonight while I was trying to get a snarl out of Missy's hair before she washed it:

Me: Did you know that Grandpa used to just cut the snarls out of my hair?
Missy: Did it hurt?
Me: No, but I had pretty funny looking hair.
Buddy:  Is that how Grandpa lost all his hair?

(My dad is completely bald!)
He he.

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