Work Home and Family - Small Changes Make Big a Difference!

We've been working on getting the to-do list around the house crossed off.

The cleaning out is going slowly, but steadily, and I'm okay with that.  Add to it that John and I had a very long talk and decided to really clean out and cut back on our possessions rather than just cleaning out.  I'm glad it's happening, and at the same time I want to fast-forward to "Done!"  I'm sure I'm not the only one that feels this way!

We also decided to tackle some projects that have been laying around for a while and not getting done.

Moving the stepping stones to a new place in the around-patio flower bed...

Rearranging the flower pots and other artifacts by our front door...

Hanging curtains in the kids' room that we've had for a month and never got around to hanging...

In the same vain, installing the curtain rods we've had for quite a while for our bedroom and never put them up (we were waiting to get new curtains, but the old rod that we'd inherited when we bought the house fell apart, so up these went - next up, new curtains!)...

A basket to hold the books under the living room end table rather than just having them in a neat stack...

All little things, but things that make a difference.  Things that update and refresh and make the place feel like a home.

I still need to sew a tie back for each of the curtains in the kids room out of the green check from the toppers and we would still like to get curtains that actually match and work well with our bedroom and the curtain rods.  The tie backs will go up in the next week or so, and the curtains for our room will have to wait.  In the meantime, we have very sturdy curtain rods, and nice curtains in the kids' room!

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