Work Home and Familly - Household Goals from 2010

Ahh, yes.  That was a pile of stuff that lived under one of the two desks in our home office.

One of my goals for 2010 was to clean out my house.

I didn't get the house completely cleaned out but I did make significant progress. I cleaned out the following rooms:
the kitchen, the living room, the kids' room, the guest room, the laundry room, and parts of the office, family room and our bedroom. 

The office is actually usable, though it still has a long way to go, our bedroom might actually greet the New Year as a haven rather than something that looks like a giant mouse nest, and the family room TV cabinet needs to be cleaned out for that room to be done.  

The two rooms I didn't get to at all were my sewing/craft room and the furnace room. Both are a disaster of colossal proportion.  I have to have at least part of the furnace room cleaned out next week so that they can install a new computer in our thermostat stuff and then add a humidifier to our furnace as well. Nothing like an incentive! They can't even get into the room to work the way it is right now! :)

I am definitely a pack rat.  And, yes, I hate admitting that.

Getting rid of things has been freeing.  And we've donated about 4 van fulls of things this year so far.  And we have at least another van full sitting downstairs waiting to go.   We have so much that we don't need and that others can use as well as a lot of things that can be recycled or just thrown away. 

We also keep finding that we have a lot of things that don't have home.  As a consequence they end up being shuffled from one place to another and make up most of the clutter around the house.  We have a list and are hoping to redo our storage in the house to accommodate those items.

I got a lot done but there's still more to do in this area to get the whole house cleaned out.

Another project was to revamp our front flower beds.

This project out of all my projects barely got touched. 

I did transplant a few hostas this summer and we spray painted the planter boxes out there so they match the trim on the house (for the first time in 10 years!).  

We still need to add some new plants, transplant so many things, get new edging and remove all the old rock that was put in by a previous owner and is now making a huge mess of the flower beds out there. 

That one just fell by the wayside but we plan to pick it up this year along with a couple of really big projects around our house and garage.

All in all, I'm definitely pleased to have made so much progress on the cleaning out.  It makes me feel physically lighter, even though it's really mental clutter! 

And that's a good thing all the way around!

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