These Are A Few of My Favorite Things - Fall

This was our view last Sunday afternoon, out for a hayride at a local apple orchard.  Our goal: to find at least 4 pumpkins to bring home and carve, toast the seeds, and just plain enjoy.

Goal accomplished! 

And we had a great time.

Fall is my favorite time of year. 

By a long shot.

Oh, I love spring and summer and all the beautiful flowers, and the warm sun, and gardening and swimming and all that sort of stuff.  I love walking barefoot on the beach or in the grass and I love the kids squeals as they play outside together or with their friends.

I love winter too - the white wonderland looking so beautiful. I love sledding and hot cocoa and Christmas lights.  (The cold I can leave behind, if it weren't necessary for snow that is.)

But fall is far and away my favorite.

I absolutely love the leaves painted in their autumn glory.
I love the crisp air.
I love apples and cider and all the trappings of harvest time.
I love pies and cakes and Halloween costumes.

And I love spending time with my family outside - hiking, hay-riding, picking apples and pumpkins, raking leaves and jumping in the piles, toasting marshmallows over an open fire, and warming our hands.  Snuggling with the kids and watching the flames with hot apple cider and hot chocolate is the best ever.

I love Thanksgiving and being reminded of all the blessings that God has given us.  I love getting together with John's family, eating turkey and ham, and watching the guys play touch football.  I love scrapbooking with the girls and catching up on every one's lives.  I love enjoying the bounty of blessings that God has for us.

I just love fall.

Truly, it is one of my favorite things.

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