Super Savings Saturday - $25 edition

We're back to a low grocery budget for a while since we've pretty much blown it for a few weeks. We've gotten some really good deals (especially on cereal!) but the budget is way out of whack - enough that I didn't even feel comfortable taking out any grocery money this week! I used the cash we had in the house leftover from our camping week plus a couple of extra dollars we had in our Recreation and Gas envelopes (I didn't take all the cash in the gas envelope since you never know what will happen with gas prices!). All total I had $27 for groceries this week.
Here's what we got:
Store #1:
1 large cantaloupe $1.50
Cucumber $0.50
Blueberries BOGO 2 for $3.99
Blackberries 1 at $2.50
Total Spent: $8.49
Store #2:
10 ct Mission Flour Tortilla $2
Sweet Corn (8 ears) $2
1 lb Carrots $0.79
Strawberries 2lbs $3
Store brand gallon skim milk (2) $4.98
1 dozen large store brand eggs $0.68
Sargento Shredded Sharp Cheddar Cheese $2
Total Spent: $15.45
Total Spent at both stores: $23.94
That means I have roughly $3 for the Farmer's Market tomorrow too! Enough for lettuce and maybe onions or green peppers. We'll see what they have!
What did you get this week? Head over to Money Saving Mom to share!

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