Goals Update - March 29th, 2010

Boy, it's been a while since I've posted anything of real content here. My apologies for all the waiting.

My computer is finally working, I'm slowly getting caught up on things for school that had gotten piled up with not having a computer for almost 2 weeks, not to mention I had the flu for 4 days, which didn't help.

As for progress on things, I'm making progress on writing and paperwork for the degree. Not much progress on anything else, unfortunately.

We have been so busy with John's internship, the kids things, and everything with school, that it's been hard to find time to work on my sewing/scrapbooking/other projects. Plus, school is a priority at least until the semester is done.

I'm still trying to tweak the schedule into something that works for getting everything done. I do keep making small little progress on things - I have some birthday gifts that I've gotten done, some of the Mother's Day's gifts I had planned done, and I have gotten 2007 in Missy's scrapbook done. I'm planning on doing a post on the birthday gifts and the Mother's Day gifts in the next few weeks. That means I am making some progress but not finishing anything. I had hoped to get a couple of smaller projects done this last week, but I spent extra time wrestling with my computer and catching up the schoolwork side of things.

I guess as long as I'm making some progress, I can't complain. God has blessed me so richly - a wonderful husband, two beautiful children, an abundance of education, a home, plentiful possessions, and a wealth of other things as well, including what might be a wonderful job opportunity (if it pans out I'll post about it)! If I can do what He has called me to do, everything else is icing on the cake.

So, no matter what progress (or lack there-of) is being made, I am truly blessed!

What more can I ask for?

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