Goals Update - Full Force Back on Track

Well, I was MIA most of last week because of this new schedule thing - getting it put together, working out some of the 'kinks' and just plain getting my ducks in a row.

Can I tell you how freeing it is to be able to look at my schedule and realize that I actually have everything I need to get done this week scheduled? I even have a couple of empty slots and an almost completely free Saturday afternoon to play 'catch up' with the inevitable things that get missed and problems that come up.

It's so nice to get out the door in the morning with the house picked up, no one rushing and everything all set for when we get home in the evening. I like that.

I like being able to look at my day and know I have time to work on things, make dinner, spend time with John and the kids and not be rushing from one thing to another and worried about getting things done.

I had no idea how many things I had running around in the back of my mind until they were all down on paper. Or how much time I spent thinking about things that I needed to do and I wasn't sure about where I was going to fit them in. Not to mention the mental guilt about not being able to fit it all in. I did realize that some things just weren't realistic with the time that I have and I had to just let them go. That was hard but now I'm seeing the benefit with that.

I read somewhere (I don't remember where now) that we can have it all, we just can't have it all at once! I need to remember that. I also remind myself that once the cleaning out of the house is done, I can use the majority of those time slots for other things that I want to get done - like my mountain of sewing projects! :)

What did I get done last week, besides putting together the schedule?
* Some additional deep cleaning in the living room
* About 1/3 of the filing done
* Read two papers and 3 chapters in a book for school
* Organized seminar and presented at seminar for the week
* Got the schedule 'finalized'!
* Put together preliminary grocery lists for each week the rest of the month
* Attended a birthday party for a friend's now 5-year-old son
* Date out with John
* Read 2 library books (one that needed to be returned)

As much as I would like, no. But we didn't end up rushing anywhere either. That felt really nice. And all the 'free' time that I would have spent on household and more school things got used up putting together the schedule.

With my new schedule and my simpler goals for this week, here's what I'm hoping to get done:
At school:
* Two papers finished
* One book read
* Part of another book read
* One interview transcribed
At home:
* A ton of filing.
* One of those pesky baby quilts finished
* Several photos uploaded and prints ordered
* Film dropped off for developing
* Two letters written
* My Valentine's decorations up
Additional stuff:
* A valentine's date out with John on Saturday
* Attend Seminar on Friday
* All my usual household chores, meals, etc.
* The kids' daily chores
* Read one more Library book
* Getting to bed on time and up on time

This week has the additional complication of me being home with the kids for 2 days which tends to cut down on productivity for me, in therms of to-do lists. I love spending the time with the kiddos, but I do like to get something done as well. I'm hoping that the schedule I have for myself will help that! I'll let you know next week how it all went.

How are your goals going for the year?

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