Okay, so I'm rushing around like the proverbial chicken with it's head cut off trying to get everything done before my folks get here on Thursday and my 2 big papers are due, also on Thursday. I'm feeling a bit like tearing my hair out right now. And this doesn't help...

Yesterday my washing machine was having a canary and decided that it wasn't going to spin the clothes efficiently - I ran it on spin FOUR times and the clothes were still sopping wet. Since that wasn't going so well, I thought I'd take the 10 minutes or so that it needs to spin yet one more time and sew the pinned-together quilt back onto one of two baby quilts I'd like to mail out tomorrow. And sew I did.

The clothes were still sopping wet.

So that took another hour to dry instead of the usual 20-30 minutes.

And I had pinned the layers in the wrong order on the quilt so the batting was on the outside back instead of in the middle where it should be.

So, I have to rip out the sewing that I did.
Re-pin the backing.
Sew it again!
An hour or so wasted.
And I have so very much to finish by Thursday.

I think I officially need a break from everything...
Or I just need to quit sleeping...
Or something...

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