Goals For March
I've been hoping to get back to posting regularly for quite a while now, and I'm still hoping to get back to at least three times a week. Thank you so much for sticking with me in the meantime! March starts on Thursday this week. Ummm, where did February go? I think I missed it! I'm hoping to post on my goals for January and February next week but right now, here are my goals for March: * Wash Face Nightly - I have acne and I hate washing my face but it's a necessity. I know that if I was more diligent about this, I would have less acne. So this is my "small goal" for this month. * Figure out a way to attend 3 Jazzercise Classes a week - I teach two but really should attend three times a week. I practice daily at home, reviewing routines and learning new ones but I love going to class and I miss seeing my friends at the other classes. Plus, it's just good to see other people teaching! * Update budget - we need to sit down and do a re...